2016 Fundraising Coffee Morning in Aid of Milford Hopsice

HLB McKeogh Gallagher Ryan were delighted to host a fund raising coffee morning in aid of Milford Care Centre in our offices at 45 O’Connell Street on a sunny May morning.

The weather was indeed kind to us and the sun shone as our office turned into an impromptu coffee shop for the morning of May 18th. Our staff pulled out all the stops and there was an array of delicious baked goods on offer.HLB MGR Coffee Morning 4

Once again there was a great show of support from our clients, colleagues and neighbours as the Limerick business community turned out in force to support our local hospice.

Milford Care Centre is a provider of specialist palliative care and older persons services to the people of the Mid West. Their philosophy reaches beyond the physical needs of a person, they place a high importance on the emotional, spiritual and social needs of their patients, their families and friends. They pride themselves in giving the best holistic care, tailor-made for their patients. Further information is available at www.milfordcarecentre.ie

We would like to thank all our clients and colleagues who were so generous with their donations, our staff for their baking contributions and the Savoy Hotel who provided the very popular coffee. A selection of the attendees can be viewed below. The Limerick Leader also featured some of our photos – click here to see if you made the papers!

Joss Lowry, Mary McKeogh, Sr Phyllis, Eimear Quin

(L-R) Joss Lowry Milford Care Centre, Mary McKeogh HLB MGR, Sr Phyllis Milford Care Centre & Eimear Quin HLB MGR

Eoin Ryan & Edmund Jennings

HLB MGR’s Eoin Ryan (R) pictured with Edmund Jennings from Cregg

Eoin Gallagher & Mike Long

HLB MGR’s Eoin Gallagher (L) pictured with Mike Long

Anne Hogan, Michelle Greene, Dervla Clohessy

(L-R) HLB MGR’s Anne Hogan, Michelle Greene, Dervla Clohessy

Judy Tighe, AIB and Murrough O’Byrne

Judy Tighe, AIB and Murrough O’Byrne

Conor Bunbury & Marie Darcy

Conor Bunbury & Marie Darcy from Paul Lynch & Partners Solicitors

Mairead O'Dwyer, David Sweeney, Aoife Hennessy, Dermot Graham, Mary McKeogh

(L-R) HLB MGR’s Mairead O’Dwyer, David Sweeney & Aoife Hennessy Sweeney McGann, Dermot Graham AIB & HLB MGR’s Mary McKeogh

Mary McKeogh, Robert Bourke, Caroline Fitzgibbon and Kevin Doughan, HOMs

(L- R) HLB MGR’s Mary McKeogh with Robert Bourke, Caroline Fitzgibbon & Kevin Doughan from Holmes O’Malley Solicitors

Geraldine Thornton, Anne Murray, Mary McKeogh

(L-R) Geraldine Thornton & Anne Murray from Thornton Solicitors pictured with HLB MGRS’s Mary McKeogh

Anthony Browne, Pat Kearney, Andrew Mulcahy

(L-R) Anthony Browne, Maguire Caulfield Browne, Pat Kearney, Rooney Auctioneers, Andrew Mulcahy, FRS Recruitment

David & Mary Croucher

David & Mary Croucher

Maeve Duff, Martin Golden, Nora Fitzgerald AIB

Martin Golden Snap Limerick pictured with AIB’s Maeve Duff & Nora Fitzgerald

Olive Noonan, Eithne Hassett, Rachel Whelan

(L-R) AIB’s Olive Noonan & Eithne Hassett with HLB MGR’s Rachel Whelan

Karl Daly, Carl Widger, Ger Dunworth

(L-R) Karl Daly & Carl Widger from Metis Life with Ger Dunworth from Dunworth & Associates Quantity Surveyors

Mary McKeogh, Derry McCarthy, Anne Hogan

HLB MGR’s Mary McKeogh & Anne Hogan with Derry McCarthy, Ulster Bank

Tina McMahon, Dan O'Gorman, Mary McKeogh

Dan O’Gorman, O’Gorman Solicitors, pictured with HLB MGR’s Tina McMahon & Mary McKeogh

Margaret Quirke, Tom Crosse, Caroline Clancy

Tom Crosse, GVM pictured with Thornton Solicitors (L-R) Margaret Quirke & Caroline Clancy

Joe & Pamela Deasy

Joe & Pamela Deasy
