Anne Hogan and Mary McKeogh Feature in the Sunday Business Post EIIS Supplement

Interview in the Sunday Business Post with Mary McKeogh and Anne HoganOur EIIS specialists –  Tax Partner Mary McKeogh and Tax Director Anne Hogan – once again featured heaving in the Sunday Business Post supplement on the Employment and Investment Incentive Scheme (EIIS).

Quoting them extensively in the supplement’s introductory article, which profiles the scheme, Mary and Anne also feature in their own article appraising the scheme and the multitude of changes it has undergone in recent years.

Sunday Business Post EIIS Supplement article quoting Mary McKeogh and Anne HoganThe introductory article looks at the valuable role the scheme plays in supporting SMEs but also the challenges its complexity poses.

Click here to read the full article.

Mary & Anne’s interview focuses on the benefits of the scheme, the recent changes to improve its functioning and appeal to tax payers, and what further improvements could be made to streamline its operation.

Click here to read the full article.