McKeogh Gallagher Ryan’s Tax Partner Mary McKeogh Features in the Sunday Business Post’s EIIS supplement

Mary McKeogh's interview in the Sunday Business Post 22 November 2020Mary McKeogh spoke to the Sunday Business Post for its special feature on the Employment and Investment  Incentive Scheme. Discussing how the scheme has been expanded in recent years and what an important source of finance it now is for Irish businesses, she also highlighted how important it is to correctly structure the investment and ensure it is monitored throughout its lifetime as EIIS is now quite a complex scheme.

Fundraising for Brampton Care Home in 2020 Mary pointed out that investors are very keen to see defined exit strategies and the fact the investment is asset backed. There is a great deal of interest in Brampton this year, so while 2020 has been very challenging there is still a real need for such tax relief schemes.

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